What is trauma? : a new definition
Trauma's scope : sources ranging from the ordinary to the extraordinary
Signs and symptoms of trauma in children
Emotional first aid or how to be a "good band-aid"
Sensations, images, and feelings-using animal imagery and rhymes to "resource," empower, and transform trauma symptoms
First aid for accidents and falls
Preparation for medical and surgical procedures : prevention tools for parents and medical personnel
Separation and loss : facilitating the grieving process that accompanies divorce, death, and abandonment for parents, school counselors, and psychotherapists
Healing the sacred wound of sexual molestation
On coming into the world : birthing and babies
Removing the barriers to learning and self-control in the 21st-century classroom
Crisis intervention and relief from natural and manmade disasters in the classroom
Transforming medical care : a plan for hospitals, medical facilities, and managed care to minimize pediatric trauma.